Stepping Into the Unknown: An Abolitionist Future | March 27, 2024

03/27/2024 07:15 PM - 08:30 PM ET


  • Free


Black Market Nubian
2136 Washington St
Roxbury, MA 02119
United States of America


Stepping into the Unknown: An Abolitionist Future

📅 Date: Wed, March 27, 2024 | 🕒 Time: 7:15-8:30 PM


Overview:  Drawing from the writings of Black abolitionists, Akwaeke Emezi and Mariame Kaba, we will create and dream expansive afro-futures. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on the limitations of their political imagination and move past ideas of perfectionism, punishment, and individualism. Our guiding question is how do we make sure that we survive when the world we live in is uninhabitable? Through creative activities like creating tea blends, art-making, and storytelling, we will construct another world with the guidance of our inner child.


Workshop Description

How can we release the cop within us? What are the limitations of our political imagination? Together, we will read a short story by Mariame Kaba and reflect in small groups on the themes of punishment, harm, fear, and safety.


About the Facilitators

Adeline is skilled in creating sacred containers for people to show up as their full selves. She is a facilitator, creative writer, and spiritual care practitioner. Her positive obsession is wholeness, liberation, and the inner and outer work of justice. Her teachings are grounded in Black feminism and the theories of feminist women of color. She is committed to building transformative relationships, being a steward of the earth, and creating more justice and solidarity for the next seven generations to come.

Nahisha believes in the power of everlasting hope and love as tools of the political imagination. They are a lover, dreamer, student, journalist, artist, and shit talker committed to disrupting what we know to be true about our current worlds. They are in a constant state of flux, evolution, and becoming. Their hope is that we all have the chance to return to who we were before our lives + identities were dictated for us. Grounded in the work of Black trans abolitionist writers, thinkers, and organizers, they are fighting for a world where this is possible. 


In Person Attendees:

Health Check: If you're feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, we kindly ask you to stay home and join us virtually.

Sanitization: Hand sanitizing stations will be available at the venue, along with masks and a restricted supply of COVID-19 tests.

Mask Requirements: In accordance with the latest, safer COVID-19 guidelines, we require all attendees to wear masks during the event. 

Allergies: Refreshments will be served, please include any allergies and dietary restrictions in the provided space.

Note: Seating is limited, so be sure to arrive early to secure your spot for this enlightening workshop. For inquiries and more information, please contact