#UjimaWednesdays | Power to the People: Exploring Power, Justice, and Community

02/12/2025 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM ET


  • Free


Haymarket People's Fund
42 Seaverns Avenue
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
United States of America

Virtual Meeting URL: www.tinyurl.com/ujimawednesdays


Power, Transformation, and Miracles: Ujima Power Project

The 2025 Ujima Wednesdays Workshop Series theme: Power, Transformation, and Miracles: Ujima Power Project and the programs dedicated to it explore the tension and nuances that power inspires, posing questions about the metaphorical, political, and social dimensions of power. Power, Transformation, and Miracles: Ujima Power Project  examines power as a concept with concrete, material consequences. This workshop series is dedicated to exploring the collective power of communities to transform ourselves and the systems that shape our lives. How is power enacted and performed across histories and institutions? Who holds power, and who resists or rejects its use? How do we reclaim, redistribute, or shift power, and is it ever enough? Can power bring us closer to justice, to liberation, to a more equitable society? How do we learn through power? What are we empowering, and by what measures? When does a shift in power lead to true transformation, to revolution? Understanding these types of power —and the pillars of support that sustain existing systems— can help us become weapons of mass construction. 

Grounding in Power: Grasping at the Root:

This month in February, we are kicking off our yearly theme, Power, Transformation, and Miracles: Ujima Power Project, with Grounding in Power: Grasping at the Root. Join us in an exploration, understanding, and flipping the switch on power. This series workshops will provide participants with an understanding of how power is garnered, harnessed and enacted. We’ll also explore how communities can collectively use their power to strategically move toward a more just and liberated future.

Event Description:

Join Ujima staff and members for a dynamic conversation on the nature of power - its possibilities, its pitfalls, and its role in shaping our collective future. Is power inherently good, bad, or neutral? What happens when individuals and communities wield their power? Together, we'll explore how people's power can be harnessed to move us toward a more just society and examine the power our communities already hold. Moderated by Rei Fielder, Director of Coalitions, Policy and Grassroots Organizing,  this discussion invites deep reflection, principled struggle, and a vision for transformative change. Come ready to share, listen, and build!