Anchor Institution Outreach (Help engage hospitals, universities or major corporations to support Ujima Businesses and programs.)
Arts & Cultural Organizing (Help create and curate arts and social events, and advance cultural organizing strategies for the Ujima network.)
Business Support (Support Ujima businesses through holistic support for business owners and grassroots and creative organzing for their businesses.)
Coalitions, Policies, and Grassroots Organizing (Help Ujima organize and work collaboratively to produce events, orientations, and more to enhance the member experience overall.)
Evaluation (Help measure Ujima's economic impact and democratic process)
Financial Education (Help teach Ujima members about investing, savings and personal planning, and educate members about the potential risks and returns of the Ujima Capital Fund.)
Fundraising (Help inspire individuals and institutions to support Ujima's infrastructure.)
Major Investor Outreach (Help educate and engage large investors, institutions, fund managers and investment advisors.)
Media Creation (Help design visual materials, videos, and other media to support the Ujima ecosystem.)
Member Engagement and Organizing (Help Ujima organize and work collaboratively to produce events, orientations, and more to enhance the member experience overall.)
Outreach and Recruitment (Help with outreach and recruitment in your community and networks, and support internal Ujima member organizing to keep information flowing and people involved.)
The Study Team (Help Ujima plan unagendaed study opportunities for members and wider public.)
Time Banking Outreach (Help develop mutual support programs like Time Banking and Skills Sharing to help Ujima members meet our own needs.)
Youth Engagement (Help support programs and opportunities for young people to benefit from and take leadership in the Ujima community.)